Fmaj7 Piano Chord

Learn the right way to play a chord of Fmaj7 on piano
Fmaj7 Piano Chord - How to play a chord of Fmaj7 on piano
A chord of Fmaj7 on piano is built by playing the notes F A C E

What is a Fmaj7 chord?

The F Major Seventh piano chord is often abbreviated to just “Fmaj7”, and is a four-note chord made up F, A, C and E. It has a warm, jazzy sound to it, and will often be followed by chords such as Bbmaj7 or Cmaj7.

Chords related to Fmaj7

There are a number of other chords that share a similar harmonic family as the chord of Fmaj7 on piano, meaning all of these will always sounds good when played in the same chord sequence:

Chord name Required notes
Bb Major Bb D F
C7 C E G Bb
D Minor D F A
G Minor G Bb D
A Minor A C E
Eb Major Eb G Bb

List of all F chords on piano

F MajorF MinorF7Fm7FmM7F6Fm6F5F9Fm9Fmaj9Fsus2Fsus4Fdim7Faug7

What are piano chords?

A piano chord is formed when two or more notes are played on a piano or keyboard at the same time. Click here to read our complete guide to learning how to play chords on piano now!

Written by Duncan La BarreThe Piano Expert
Last Updated: December 7th, 2022